A musicaI show with the popuIar
singing star EmanueIa...
-Never heard of her!
-Quite a piece of ass!
And finaIIy, Mr KarIatos'
show ''For you, Madam''...
presenting the coming
summer's fashion.
Run it! Go!
Go on, asshoIe!
What are you waiting for!
Don't shout, asshoIe!
You're on the air again!
Let's hope the CoIoneI
is not watching!
Go to Yorgaki and see what he
is doing with EmanueIa's reeI!
It must be ready
in an hour!
Here it says about the RoIIing
Stones concert...
Can we use some Greek
expression to describe it?
in ancient Greek.
-EmanueIa's pIayback?
-Ready to be printed!
No grading?
Forget the Iuxuries!
OnIy a coupIe of shots are
overexposed! Very artistic!
Anybody home?
What is it?
A pIayback
to be printed!
He fIeeced us.
Here, take the rest...
-What are you doing here?
-Roman orgies!
He beIongs to the generation
of those brave warriors...
who defended our
against the bIood-thirsty
His poetry breaths the
air of Iiberty...