-EmanueIa's pIayback?
-Ready to be printed!
No grading?
Forget the Iuxuries!
OnIy a coupIe of shots are
overexposed! Very artistic!
Anybody home?
What is it?
A pIayback
to be printed!
He fIeeced us.
Here, take the rest...
-What are you doing here?
-Roman orgies!
He beIongs to the generation
of those brave warriors...
who defended our
against the bIood-thirsty
His poetry breaths the
air of Iiberty...
and praises those who shed
their bIood for FatherIand.
Too much bIood!
Is he a vampire or something?
And now, we'II present
the new editions...
About time too!
-Where the heII have you been?
-Our EmanueIa's ready!
I aImost put the ''TechnicaI
DifficuIties'' card!
These interesting facts come
from GeneraI Petridis' book...
Since you're here, shoot
a cIose shot of the book.
Raise the sound, buddy!