I was toId you needed
an announcer, and I'm here!
And your singing?
You saw I'm not such
a good singer...
-Don't say that!
-The song was not right!
You know nothing!
A friend of mine runs
a big record company...
The onIy thing that counts
today is PR and promotion.
What you need
is a good manager!
So do I!
-But my probIem is the voice...
-The voice is of no importance!
A friend of mine has
no voice at aII...
He works for the company that
his other friend runs!
Very funny, Savidis!
Since you're busy, I'II
repIace you in the screening.
What a bIessing to have
good friends in the Army!
Caramanos! Here!
Don't rub those Russian
cards too hard...
The paint wiII come off before
he pays his instaIments!
Watch it, BaIourdos!
I've got a famiIy!
Hi, Panos!
-What are you shooting today?
-Not shooting. We're screening!
You said,
you'd put me in a movie.
I said I'd take you
to a movie!
-And what about them?
-They'II project the movie.
-I'm taking off.
-After we set up.
-Where's the screening?
-At the Retired Officers' Home.