Don't rub those Russian
cards too hard...
The paint wiII come off before
he pays his instaIments!
Watch it, BaIourdos!
I've got a famiIy!
Hi, Panos!
-What are you shooting today?
-Not shooting. We're screening!
You said,
you'd put me in a movie.
I said I'd take you
to a movie!
-And what about them?
-They'II project the movie.
-I'm taking off.
-After we set up.
-Where's the screening?
-At the Retired Officers' Home.
The MPs! Duck!
Who were these guys?
Large scaIe manoeuvres took
pIace in Northern Greece...
with the participation
of NATO's mobiIe forces...
incIuding Greek contigents
from the Navy and Air-Force.
The Ianding started at 8, with
fuII cover by the Air-Force.
His Majesty King Constantine,
arrived by heIicopter...
in order to watch
the Ianding...