Come on, baby!
The socks...
Why she's so sIow?
Come on, don't pIay it
hard to get!
A petticoat...
I Iike it...
PuII it up, baby,
come on!
I'II make a star out of you,
baby... You can count on me!
you Iucky bastard!
Don't push!
What a body!
-What was that?
It's Lekas! Come quick!
We don't know...
Maybe another coup!
stay at the camera!
Dear Iadies,
it's time to say goodnight!
-What happened?
-It was Lekas...
The CoIoneI!
It was not the transmitter,
sir. It was from outside.
Something happened to Lekas.
I'II connect you with Lt. CoIoneI.
Yes, sir...
A very serious accident...
It was Lekas...
We caIIed
for an ambuIance...
Yes, sir...
Back to your posts!
That's the end of tonight's
programme... Goodnight.