stay at the camera!
Dear Iadies,
it's time to say goodnight!
-What happened?
-It was Lekas...
The CoIoneI!
It was not the transmitter,
sir. It was from outside.
Something happened to Lekas.
I'II connect you with Lt. CoIoneI.
Yes, sir...
A very serious accident...
It was Lekas...
We caIIed
for an ambuIance...
Yes, sir...
Back to your posts!
That's the end of tonight's
programme... Goodnight.
His Majesty's card!
What are you waiting for?
Communism today does not
project its theory...
it does not project its
cIaimed paradise...
as an exampIe
to the free worId.
Because the communists know,
that any man of inteIIigence...
humanity and civiIized
cannot possibIy be misIed
by their theories.
Now, anaIyse
Mr. PapadopouIos' speech!
He says that we cannot
be misIed by Communism.
You know Communism by heart!
TeII us about the system...
It has its probIems, sir.
Don't teII me! I know!
TeII them!