What's that,
-That cucumber.
It must be some mistake.
Stop the projection!
Let me have a Iook,
I'm waiting for your report.
I'II see to that immediateIy, sir.
-SouIa is a Iousy actress.
-She'II do.
There's a shot
missing here.
PropabIy they haven't
printed it yet.
CatsambeIas is raiding!
Can't you keep quiet,
you motherfuckers?
Except for those on report,
at ease!
-What have you done?
-A personaI probIem, sir.
The Staff Sergeant confiscated
my diary, sir.
-What is he taIking about?
-He kept notes in Russian, sir.
In Russian, eh?
-Where is the diary?
-In G2, sir.
The Constitution gives
me that right, sir!
And I have the right to put
you ten days in stockade!
Staff Sergeant!
The order of the day!
Company! Attention!