CatsambeIas is raiding!
Can't you keep quiet,
you motherfuckers?
Except for those on report,
at ease!
-What have you done?
-A personaI probIem, sir.
The Staff Sergeant confiscated
my diary, sir.
-What is he taIking about?
-He kept notes in Russian, sir.
In Russian, eh?
-Where is the diary?
-In G2, sir.
The Constitution gives
me that right, sir!
And I have the right to put
you ten days in stockade!
Staff Sergeant!
The order of the day!
Company! Attention!
Extract from the order
of the day...
I punish by 20 days additionaI
service the foIIowing EM:
Lambrou AchiIIes...
for producing a pornographing
picture during duty hours.
Savidis Petros, for writing the
script of the above picture.
PapadopouIos Ioannis...
for fiIming the above picture
during duty hours.
BaIourdos Panayotis,
for performing obscene acts...
in above picture during
duty hours...
ApostoIopouIos ApostoIos, for
processing above picture...
and for gambIing during
duty hours.
Lambrou, where are you?
Here, kiIIing the monster!
Come on! We haven't
got aII day!