Paris, Texas

before he said "Texas" till everybody thought that ...
he meant ...
he would wait before he said "Texas" till everybody thought ...
after everyone thought he was talking about Paris, France.
He always laughed real hard about it.
So you live in Los Angeles, huh?
Yeah, well we live in the suburbs
but I got my business in town.

What's your business?
I make billboard signs for advertising.
Oh, yeah?
So you're the one who makes those, huh?
I love those.

Some of them are beautiful.
I'm not the only one in the world
that makes them, Trav.

Trav? This way.
Nice, huh?
Just been in here three months.

I really like it.
But I took a beating on the financing, I'll tell you.

Like everybody else in L.A., I guess.
Hi, baby.
Is everything OK here?
Oh sure, we just missed you a lot.
Yeah, I missed you too.
- Come on in.
- Travis.

My God!
We were beginning to wonder
if we'd ever see you again.

It's been so long.
Did you have a good trip?
Yeah, it was fine.
