You're going to pay for this!
Mark my words!
And you want to know why?
l'll let you know why. lt's no secret.
Everybody knows.
l'm joining the police force!
What do you think of that?
Now who's in charge?
Hey, Sarge, it's him again.
l'll call Captain Reed.
Sit over there, Mahoney.
Sit. And stay there.
What are you in for?
l'll show you.
Goddamn it! Stop that!
No, sir, not you.
That's terrific. Really.
What's your name?
Jones. Larvell Jones.
Monsignor Larvell Jones.
Let's go, Mahoney.
Bye, Monsignor.
Doctor Monsignor.
Why can't you stay out of trouble?
What's wrong with you?
Last week: disturbing the peace.
Week before that:
destroying private property.
And l'm getting tired of saving your butt.
l only do it because of your father.
He was a good friend.
Yeah, l know.
Mahoney, l've made a decision.