Goddamn it! Stop that!
No, sir, not you.
That's terrific. Really.
What's your name?
Jones. Larvell Jones.
Monsignor Larvell Jones.
Let's go, Mahoney.
Bye, Monsignor.
Doctor Monsignor.
Why can't you stay out of trouble?
What's wrong with you?
Last week: disturbing the peace.
Week before that:
destroying private property.
And l'm getting tired of saving your butt.
l only do it because of your father.
He was a good friend.
Yeah, l know.
Mahoney, l've made a decision.
l ain't gonna help you this time.
You're going to the county lockup.
Why? l didn't do anything really major.
Then let's make a deal.
l want you to go to the Police Academy.
The Police Academy?
Even if you never graduate,
the training will be good.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Reed?
Listen, you've seen the commercials on TV.
The Academy's taking all kinds these days.
Anybody can get in.
Even you.
No deal. That's nuts.
lt's either that or the lockup.
Police Academy or jail.
Will l get my own squad car?
You'll get 14 weeks of Academy training
and discipline...
...starting Monday morning.
Fourteen weeks.
They can throw you out.
But you can't quit.
lf you quit, you're back in jail.
That's the deal.