I don't want you around this at all.
I don't want you in my life this way.
Don't I make you happy?
Don't you like the way we are?
APOLLONIA: I want to do it.
You should trust me.
THE KID: Do you know Morris?
Do you know what he is about?
He doesn't care about you.
Are you jealous?
(Experimental rock music
with synthesized sound effects)
Where are Lisa and Wendy?
They haven't shown up yet.
They call?
(Blasts amplifier to distorted volume)
Hey, Kid.
CHICK: The boss wants to see you.
Tell him I'm rehearsing.
You having some problems?
No? Where are Lisa and Wendy?
Hey, that's cool.
Morris says he's got a new group
called Apollonia Six.