Where are Lisa and Wendy?
They haven't shown up yet.
They call?
(Blasts amplifier to distorted volume)
Hey, Kid.
CHICK: The boss wants to see you.
Tell him I'm rehearsing.
You having some problems?
No? Where are Lisa and Wendy?
Hey, that's cool.
Morris says he's got a new group
called Apollonia Six.
BILLY: You know anything about them?
Tells me they're real hot.
BILLY: He says, "Billy,
you're gonna like these girls."
Got one problem, though.
What's that?
I got three acts. I don't need four.
That means one of you has got to go.
BILLY: What would you do
in my position?
(Rock song When Doves Cry
by Prince plays, background)
"Dig if u will the picture
"Of u and I engaged in a kiss