Mrs. Stimler, our father
passed away five years ago.
- Remember?
- Right.
Should I get him for you?
No, no. We'll... I'll take care of it.
You just get back to work.
- What's with her?
- A little accident over the weekend.
Got hit in the head by some lightning.
It's not funny, Freddie!
I'm sorry. That's not funny.
Besides, she can still do certain things.
Like jump-start a car?
Jump-start a car.!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- What the hell are you doing down here?
- Maybe I went...
- to the "Club A" last night.
- Something new for you.
Maybe I met Mr. Buyrite,
owner of Buyrite Markets.
Maybe we had a few drinks.
And maybe, just maybe...
we're his new produce suppliers.
I'm proud of you.
That's great.! Which store?
Not which store, the whole chain.
I hope you are joking with me.
Think big, be big.
He was a colonel. I made up a story...
about you being wounded in Nam
and he wants to do business.
He's coming this morning.
Great, Freddie. It's only chaos down here.
- Augie brings me slimy cherries.
- So what?
- Jerry's getting married tomorrow.
- So what?
I was drinking with this bum all night.
- I'm busting my buns.
- East 77 th Street.
- Come on, you can handle this deal.
- Yeah, I'll handle it.
- Your desk looks like a pigsty.
- I have a system.
Phone for you.
Yes? All right. Thank you.
Hi, Victoria. I'm sorry.
I forgot to call you back.