Uno, dos, one, two, tres, cuatro.
#Hey, wooly bully #
# Watch it now, watch it #
#Here it comesHere it comes #
# Watch it nowHe gets you #
#Matty told Hatty #
#About a thing she saw #
#It had two big horns #
#And a woolyjaw #
# Wooly bully #
# Wooly bullyThat's right #
# Wooly bully, wooly bully #
# Wooly bully #
#Hatty told Matty #
#Let's don't take no chance #
#Let's not be L seven #
# Come and learn to dance #
# Wooly bully #
# Wooly bully #
# Wooly bully, wooly bullyWooly bully #
# Watch it nowWatch it, watch it #
#Hey #
#Hey, that's right #
#Right, right, right #