- Freddie?
- No kidding!
Allen! I want you to meet
some friends of mine.
This is Tawny, and this is Jill.
- I'm Tawny.
- You're Tawny Tiger!
And this is Jill, a four-letter word.
- My brother, Allen.
- Hi.
- Freddie, can I talk to you?
- Absolutely.
Excuse me.
I'll be right back.
We'll whisper some more.
I've got some whispering for you!
Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.
Pack your bags. We're going to Rio!
They have a timesharing condominium.
We're gonna share some time with them.
No, I'm going to Cape Cod.
What are you talking about?
Why would you go to Cape Cod?
Because I like Cape Cod.
I feel better up there.
I look at the water
and feel closer to something.
- Cape Cod over Rio? Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- Let me drive you up there.
- No, no.
- You got enough money?
- I've got plenty.
- Yeah?
- Thanks.
Can I have some then?
- Where to?
- Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
You break that, you pay for it.
Well, I'm sorry. I usually enjoy...
smashing the glass with my face.
That's about 300 miles.
You got the cash?
What is this?
Careful with that.