Mathematicians won the war.
Mathematicians broke theJapanese's codes
and built the atom bomb.
Mathematicians... like you.
The stated goal of the Sovietsis the global communists.
The medicine or economics.
ln techonology or space.
Battlelines are being drawn.
To try on, we need results.
Publishable,applicable results.
Now who among you wouldbe the next Morse...
the Einstien.
Who among you would be theVan Gogh of democracy, freedom...
Today we bequeath the Americansfuture into your able hands.
Welcome to Princeton, Gentlemen.
ls not enough that Hansen wonthe Conesky scholarship?
No, he has it all for himself.
This is the first time theCarniment prize hasn't been split.
He has got his sight set onWheeler Lab.
the new military think thathe could done it in MlT.
They are only taking one this year.
Hansen used to be pick first.
He is wasted on that. He shouldbe running for president...