Be careful with that!
What do you think you're loading?
This is delicate scientific equipment.
Hold it. Put it down. You see that?
It says, "This end up."
Know what that means? This end up!
Why don't you try holding that end up?
All right, get away!
I'll do it myself. Get away. Give me a hand.
- Move that...
- Excuse me.
- Morning.
- Morning.
I was dropped off on
the wrong side of the beach.
Could you take me over to the island?
Well, ah, we're not...
We're not going...
We're taking the boat.
We're not going out there!
Have you seen anyone else
along this beach?
No, just me and the moron twins.
We're not twins.
- What is all this stuff?
- I knew it!
Who sent you up here?
Dr. Ross from Chicago?
Who's Dr. Ross from Chicago?
Who's Dr. Ross? You're very good.
I suppose you're some
harmless beachcomber...
who happens to wear a tuxedo!
How dare you try and horn in
on someone else's research!
I'm just a guy...
Walter Kornbluth is not
to be taken advantage of.
Just stay out of my way, sonny.
All right, let's move out!
A guy down the beach
runs people out to the island.
What's the name?
The guy or the island?
I'll find him.