Isn't that the...
The pirates.
I bought them this morning at the factory.
I couldn't resist when I saw them
in the showroom.
I can imagine.
They make fine slaves, don't you think?
- Slave, check this robot.
- Yes, sir.
Right here.
Hey, I said, over here.
Okay, don't get tense. That's a good spot.
May I?
And do you think you could
get me a sandwich or something?
What are you doing here?
Just spreading the good word
and trying to save my ass.
What's going on?
- Don't do that!
- Hi.
She wants to see us.
She's planning on leaving or something.
He wants us to bring him a sandwich.
Or some cake. Anything with sugar in it.
We have exactly half an hour
to get to the launching pad.
Where are we going?
You're taking me to the pirates' moon.
It's not a pretty place for a lady.
No doubt,
but I have important business there.
Princess Karina!
Can I speak with you for a moment?
Come on.
This way.
Stop them!
Care for a drink?
This way.
Wait for me! Coming your way!