It'll do me some good
to see how low people can sink.
You're not in evening clothes.
You only want to flaunt our affair.
You treat me like a whore.
Give me my cloak.
Earlier, in Bagatelle Park,
all you did was talk to Charlus.
You paid just as little
attention to me
as he did to his young
portrait of Muhammad.
Some people do think
I behave rather foolishly.
I let you stay till the last minute,
and this is how you thank me.
I'll know better next time.
Can't I kiss you after the dinner?
It'll be very late.
For a second,
before going home,
to help me sleep.
You'll return?
Will it be soon?
To the opera.
Do you know this address?
I think we've been there before, sir.
Well, let's go again.