I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet...
...but your kids are going to love it.
Marty, that was very interesting music.
I hope you don't mind, but George
asked if he could take me home.
Great! Good. Good, Lorraine.
I had a feeling about you two.
I have a feeling, too.
Listen, I got to go, but...
...l wanted to tell you that
it's been educational.
- Marty, will we ever see you again?
I guarantee it.
Well, Marty, I want to thank you
for all your good advice.
I'll never forget it.
Right, George.
Well, good luck, you guys.
One other thing.
If you guys ever have kids...
...and one of them,
when he's eight years old...
...accidentally sets fire
to the living room rug...
...go easy on him.
Marty. Such a nice name.
Damn! Where is that kid?
Damn! Damn!