Don't say a word.
No names. I want
to know nothing about you.
Listen, Doc--
- Quiet!
Don't tell me anything.
You got to help--
- Quiet.
I'm going to read your thoughts.
Let's see now.
You come here from a great distance?
-Yeah. Exactly.
-Don't tell me!
You want me to subscribe
to the "Saturday Evening Post".
-Not a word now!
You want me to make a donation...
...to the Coast Guard Youth Auxiliary.
...I'm from the future.
I came here in a time machine
that you invented.
Now, I need your help
to get back to the year 1985.
My God!
Do you know what this means?
It means that
this damn thing doesn't work at all!
- You got to help me. You are the only
one who knows how your time machine works.
Time machine?
I haven't invented any time machine.
Okay. I'll prove it to you.
Look at my driver's license. Expires 1987.
Look at my birthday.
l haven't even been born yet.
And look at this picture.
It's my brother, my sister and me.
Look at her sweatshirt, Doc.
"Class of 1984"?