Bez konca

- OId?
- Yes

He was at the funeraI.
His name is Labrador

Maybe he's stiII in the
Iawyers' directory

Go to Dept.4. They'II teII you
I'd Iike to know who the judge is.
'Bye, thank you

Sorry to keep you.
How can I heIp you?

Mrs Zyro toId me you've rescued Iots
of peopIe. That you couId heIp me

Those were different cases
My Iast poIiticaI case was
in 1952

He got death
After that, I quit
Now I do petty crime
That woman won't be testifying.
She's stiII abroad

TeII our cIient to remain siIent
Take a taxi. I'II pay you back
SmuggIing offences.
I'm strong on those

I steer cIear of poIitics
Have you heard of this case?
A hot potato, Iike aII of them
You're making an oId man
face a hard choice

Not me, the times
I'm quite aware of
the present time

But what to do about it?
Got the time?
