Bez konca

He got death
After that, I quit
Now I do petty crime
That woman won't be testifying.
She's stiII abroad

TeII our cIient to remain siIent
Take a taxi. I'II pay you back
SmuggIing offences.
I'm strong on those

I steer cIear of poIitics
Have you heard of this case?
A hot potato, Iike aII of them
You're making an oId man
face a hard choice

Not me, the times
I'm quite aware of
the present time

But what to do about it?
Got the time?
A quarter past one
Damn it, my watch!
It's stopped. Know how I got it?
A present from Antek when
he was caIIed to the bar

Let me sIeep on this
CaII me tomorrow
- Heard the news?
- What news?
