Bez konca

- Marta Duraj
- UrszuIa Zyro

Are you reIated to the Iawyer
Antoni Zyro?

Antek? I'm his wife
I knew him years ago
How is he?
He died...
...a month ago
- Cigarette?
- Thanks

You knew him?
When he was a student.
He came round one night
A girI and I were sharing
a cabin by the beach

We'd gone to bed
He'd been swimming and
his tent had been stoIen

He was stiII dripping
He sat on the bed, soaking wet
Afterwards... he stood there...
- Scrawny, bandy-Iegged
- He wasn't bandy-Iegged

- He was then
- Then what?

He wanted to be a judge.
He was into Camus

The penitent judge...
I read it Iater. Was he a judge?
No, a Iawyer. That's what
he aIways wanted to be

Remember anything eIse?
- I don't think so
- Anything at aII?

He Ieft soon after,
to do a course

That was that. Were you
married Iong?

11 years
A Iong time. Was it a heart attack?
