He was stiII dripping
He sat on the bed, soaking wet
Afterwards... he stood there...
- Scrawny, bandy-Iegged
- He wasn't bandy-Iegged
- He was then
- Then what?
He wanted to be a judge.
He was into Camus
The penitent judge...
I read it Iater. Was he a judge?
No, a Iawyer. That's what
he aIways wanted to be
Remember anything eIse?
- I don't think so
- Anything at aII?
He Ieft soon after,
to do a course
That was that. Were you
married Iong?
11 years
A Iong time. Was it a heart attack?
Yes. How did you know?
He mentioned his heart
at the time
Everything OK?
Everything's fine
They're on hunger strike