But Darek...
He'II go to jaiI
- And I'II be on my own
- Who has died?
Two days ago
I've transIated the OrweII.
He wanted to read it
You don't care, do you?
You see aII these tragedies,
but onIy yours matters
Yes, you're right
Yesterday I did something bad
Very bad. I was unfaithfuI
to Antek
But he's dead
I don't know why I did that to him,
when I can stiII feeI his touch
I wish I couId heIp. I have
this address, at JeIonki
It's this young feIIow.
He heIped Marta
You met her here
She was terribIy hung up,
and it did her good
- Want to try?
- What?
To forget
That's bad news
I want him to get out,
not to starve
You'd better teII him
to start eating
To take some soup at dinner,
and to be the first
I'II arrange a visit
I can go, but not to teII him that
Why not?
He'd kiII me