Bez konca

CouId you Iend me the paper?
Give it to me?

HeIIo, Judge
We'II soon be meeting

- That's right. How do you know?
- I was toId

But first I have some business
with you

Not much
AIways at your service
If you're interested, I'm hearing
a fascinating case

Here's what you'II do
Go to that factory and ask
that feIIow if the new union...

...wouId be prepared to show they
care about workers, even strikers...

:10:02 standing baiI for Darek
- Do you have a name?
- Of course

Damn it! Where's that paper?
It was here a minute ago
It can't have vanished
- Buy another one
- Newspapers now cost 5 zIotys

- Even the Party's?
- AII of them

Lie down, Iie down
I haven't done this before
But it is possibIe
- Is this man aIive?
- Yes

But he can't be with you?
