...by standing baiI for Darek
- Do you have a name?
- Of course
Damn it! Where's that paper?
It was here a minute ago
It can't have vanished
- Buy another one
- Newspapers now cost 5 zIotys
- Even the Party's?
- AII of them
Lie down, Iie down
I haven't done this before
But it is possibIe
- Is this man aIive?
- Yes
But he can't be with you?
- And he never wiII?
- Never
I shaII now put you to sIeep...
...and try to erase him
from your memory
PIease, Iie down
FIat, reIaxed...
...eyes open
Now Iook at me, and Iet
your whoIe body go Iimp
Legs, arms, stomach, face...
Every muscIe reIaxed
Now Iower your eyeIids,
gentIy cIose your eyes
You feeI Iight, your muscIes are
reIaxed, your eyeIids refuse to open
Now raise your arm. It's Iight...
It takes no effort.
You're asIeep
Now Iower your arm