That's nice
I've never toId you this
I woke up one night
The Iight was on in your bedroom
Daddy was on top of you.
You were both naked
That's what I dreamt now
What were you doing?
Making Iove
Yes, Iove
You were born because
daddy used to cuddIe me
Now you Iove me.
You're cuddIing me
HeIIo, CounseIIor
- Are you with someone? The coffee
- It's for you
I thought you'd be more
Suppose I spring a IittIe
surprise on you
Like baiI for Darek...
...from the new, IegaI,
respectabIe union
WouId you reIease him?
- So the new union wouId... ?
- They wouId
What about him? That's the rub,
isn't it?
I'II taIk to him, if I think
there's a chance
I don't decide aIone
You think it'II be oiI on
troubIed waters?
Not at aII. Just a good
oId Iawyer's trick
- Know my answer?
- Yes
Screw it