- Are you with someone? The coffee
- It's for you
I thought you'd be more
Suppose I spring a IittIe
surprise on you
Like baiI for Darek...
...from the new, IegaI,
respectabIe union
WouId you reIease him?
- So the new union wouId... ?
- They wouId
What about him? That's the rub,
isn't it?
I'II taIk to him, if I think
there's a chance
I don't decide aIone
You think it'II be oiI on
troubIed waters?
Not at aII. Just a good
oId Iawyer's trick
- Know my answer?
- Yes
Screw it
I'II be seeing you
Get yourseIf a coffee.
The judge drank yours
You know I joined you
to wait things out?
NaturaIIy. I'm not bIind
CriminaI cases, divorces...
that was fine
But the way you're handIing this...
Listen, no one's forcing you
I'II give you good references,