Come on, damn it!
You use that word too often
I'm sorry
The hunger strike has ended
- When?
- Yesterday
You've won
I have
We're defenders
Here's the baiI
We shouId make the most of it
Yes, we shouId
- What's today?
- The 3rd
Take it to the judge
TeII him I'II be there in an hour
Get going, damn it!
I came to say goodbye
I'm Ieaving
It's not easy teIIing you,
or anyone for that matter
- Where are you going?
- Back, via Canada
Opting out?
Sure. But why make things tough?
There's nothing for me here
The worId I remember from
photographs has gone
SmiIing faces, a heIping hand...
Everything cIear and simpIe.
It's aII gone