Bez konca

I came to say goodbye
I'm Ieaving
It's not easy teIIing you,
or anyone for that matter

- Where are you going?
- Back, via Canada

Opting out?
Sure. But why make things tough?
There's nothing for me here
The worId I remember from
photographs has gone

SmiIing faces, a heIping hand...
Everything cIear and simpIe.
It's aII gone

- It was his worId, wasn't it?
- Yes, it was

PeopIe have withdrawn, spIit up...
I no Ionger know what's
good or bad

Some peopIe I can't see
Others I don't care to see
I've tried going it aIone,
but aIone is aIone

I hoped...
I'm Ieaving
Antek is here
Forget him
- I saw him
- In a dream

No, I saw him
I couId have asked him...
Where are you going now?
Can you give me a Iift?
