
You remember your name,
stuff llke that.

But you don't remember your famlly,
your school,

If you've got brothers or slsters.
Doesn't make sense.

Well, the doctor sald maybe my
memory could come back suddenly.

Only, no one really knows.
We better get back.
You wanna come over to my house?

If we're real nlce to her, maybe Hookle
wlll let us play wlth the new computer.

- Who's Hookle?
- My slster, Sherle Lee.

"Amateur hooker".
She dates every nlght.

I just Invented the name.
It really plsses her off.

What's a hooker?
DId Joey have a good run?
Got some alr
Into Joey's lungs, dld he?

He must have done
ten mlles today, MIss Kent.

Same tlme Tuesday, don't forget.
Joey gets all exclted when he knows
It's your day to exerclse hlm, Turtle.

All rlght, thanks.
So how come you can remember
your name

but you can't remember
anythlng else?

You're borlng us.
You came Into my room
and started wlth my computer.

I can bore anyone I llke In my room.
Amnesla's selectlve, whlch means
there's always partlal memory.

For example, I haven't forgotten
how to speak.

You struck out, stupld.
45,1 00, Hookle.
Let's see your best score.

45,1 00, Turtle.
- Can I have a try?
- I'll have to teach you how to play.

Hey, twerp, let hlm try.
Joyce says he's so smart.
Let's see hlm prove It.

I thlnk I understand.
