I can bore anyone I llke In my room.
Amnesla's selectlve, whlch means
there's always partlal memory.
For example, I haven't forgotten
how to speak.
You struck out, stupld.
45,1 00, Hookle.
Let's see your best score.
45,1 00, Turtle.
- Can I have a try?
- I'll have to teach you how to play.
Hey, twerp, let hlm try.
Joyce says he's so smart.
Let's see hlm prove It.
I thlnk I understand.
Oh, my...
That's a fun game!
Not bad.
Daryl RIchardson.
You swear you never played
thls before?
- I don't thlnk so.
- RIght.
But for all you know, you could have
Invented "Pole Posltlon".
- Come on, Hookle, don't be...
- WIll you stop calllng me that?
And I'm not klddlng.
It seems to annoy your mother too.