
I guess the maln thlng
to understand, guys, Is that...

...baseball Is the essence
of all llfe In the unlverse.

Therefore, we don't fool around.
We don't joke about thls.

We take thls very serlously.
Otherwlse, we go play somethlng else.

OK? LIke washlng the car.
Wanna try and hlt a few?

- OK, sure.
- Come on.

Just do It just llke I showed you, just
llke on the baseball cards, you know.

You klnd of stand sldeways.
I'm gonna pltch It by you.
And you just take a swlng at It
and see what happens, OK?

No, you're not gonna need thls.
That's a whole other part
of the game. OK?

OK, Daryl.
You ready?
I'll take It easy on you the flrst tlme.
My fault! My fault! I should've told you.
You gotta grlp the bat

- pretty flrmly, you know?
- OK.

Otherwlse that's gonna happen.
But you got good Instlncts.

- You hlt the ball, dldn't you?
- Yeah.

Major-leaguer, all the way.
I can see It In the eyes.

OK. Here. NIce, flrm grlp,
nlce, easy swlng

and just knock the ball Into the mlddle
of lnterstate 95 for me, OK?

- OK, I'll try.
- That's all I'm asklng.

OK, Daryl, here It comes.
Was that all rlght?
Better. Better.
We'll try It agaln.
Turtle, come here.

You're sworn to secrecy, all rlght?
- Yeah.
- OK.

Daryl, I'm gonna throw
a llttle blt harder thls tlme, OK?

So It'll be travellng a llttle
blt faster. Just do your best.

OK, I'll try.
