My fault! My fault! I should've told you.
You gotta grlp the bat
- pretty flrmly, you know?
- OK.
Otherwlse that's gonna happen.
But you got good Instlncts.
- You hlt the ball, dldn't you?
- Yeah.
Major-leaguer, all the way.
I can see It In the eyes.
OK. Here. NIce, flrm grlp,
nlce, easy swlng
and just knock the ball Into the mlddle
of lnterstate 95 for me, OK?
- OK, I'll try.
- That's all I'm asklng.
OK, Daryl, here It comes.
Was that all rlght?
Better. Better.
We'll try It agaln.
Turtle, come here.
You're sworn to secrecy, all rlght?
- Yeah.
- OK.
Daryl, I'm gonna throw
a llttle blt harder thls tlme, OK?
So It'll be travellng a llttle
blt faster. Just do your best.
OK, I'll try.
Turtle, come here.
You're a natural.
You're a genlus...
...and In four weeks' tlme,
you're my secret weapon.
- The Warrlors!
- We're gonna murder them!
Only, no one must know
about thls, OK?
So you don't say anythlng
about thls to anybody.
- About what?
- "About what"?
I love thls kld.
Oh, he's so modest.
It's awesome.
I don't even belleve It myself.
One more pltch?
One more pltch, then I'll wake up.