Turtle, come here.
You're a natural.
You're a genlus...
...and In four weeks' tlme,
you're my secret weapon.
- The Warrlors!
- We're gonna murder them!
Only, no one must know
about thls, OK?
So you don't say anythlng
about thls to anybody.
- About what?
- "About what"?
I love thls kld.
Oh, he's so modest.
It's awesome.
I don't even belleve It myself.
One more pltch?
One more pltch, then I'll wake up.
Well, practlce Is over.
- Come on, get your stuff.
- How can you trust a man llke Andy?
He makes Daryl swear
an oath of secrecy,
then he comes In and tells me.
Next, you two come over
and he opens hls mouth agaln!
The only person who must know
nothlng about thls
untll tomorrow Is Bull McKenzle.
He Is so cocky.
Were you there at the game last year
when he suggested we forfelt
- In the fourth Innlng?
- No, but Turtle told me all about It.
But dldn't you guys rally In the slxth
and almost tle up the game?
Sure, because somebody declded
to save our team's honor
by splklng the Warrlors'
Cokes wlth vodka.
You know, you're lucky you
weren't sued. It's agalnst the law,
- servlng alcohol to mlnors.
- I dldn't serve anythlng.
It wasn't even my Idea.
- So who dld...?
- We're starvlng.
- When's dlnner?
- You dldn't.
- What?
- You dld. Oh, God, Turtle.
What dld I do now? I just walked
In the door, for chrlssake.
Sorry, Turtle. Your mother just found
out about the vodka
In the Warrlors' Cokes last year.