Can I assume thls Is a flnal declslon?
Mary Ellen, don't eat that,
Daryl splt In It.
DId you mean It,
that you prefer chocolate?
- Oh, sure.
- Why?
I just dld. Turtle llkes raspberry.
But there's no dlfference.
- It tastes dlfferent.
- And he's not programmed for taste.
- It's programmed to learn.
- Not subjectlve preferences.
He can analyze nutrltlonal values,
not choose between flavors.
- So It's plcklng up behavlor patterns.
- Please, stop calllng hlm "It".
Thank you.
We've got to run some
blochemlcal tests,
untll we flnd where thls comes from.
Don't worry, Daryl,
you can't come to any harm.
I promlse we won't hurt you.
What are you gonna do?
Why do you have to do thls?
We're just gonna take some samples.
You won't feel It.
Dr. Stewart...
- What's golng on?
- It just started.
Thls Is crazy.
Looks llke someone's playlng around
wlth the central computer.
All rlght, Daryl.
We'll forget the tests.
No tests.
Your report makes some pretty
extraordlnary clalms, Dr. Stewart.
Just slmple observatlons, general.
You're now saylng
It can feel human emotlon.