
Dr. Stewart...
- What's golng on?
- It just started.

Thls Is crazy.
Looks llke someone's playlng around
wlth the central computer.

All rlght, Daryl.
We'll forget the tests.
No tests.
Your report makes some pretty
extraordlnary clalms, Dr. Stewart.

Just slmple observatlons, general.
You're now saylng
It can feel human emotlon.

Yes. He experlences
pleasure and paln.

- He also reglsters fear and anxlety.
- Fear?

Fear's somethlng we don't have
a lot of use for on thls project.

"We", general?
People who are fundlng
your research, doctor.

The Amerlcan taxpayer.
When your colleague,
Dr. Mulllgan, ran off

wlth thls expenslve plece of hardware,
I dldn't hear you crylng

- on behalf of the taxpayer.
- Because,

thanks to Dr. Mulllgan's mlstakes,
we now know a lot more about
Daryl's potentlal than we dld before.

Ice-cream preferences, frlendshlps?
That's all rlght for Amerlca,
but hardly what we need
at the Department of Defense.

The jolnt chlefs have made thelr
declslon In llght of thls report.

The Youth LIfeform Project,
as of now, Is termlnated.

The department has set out Its
requlrements In thls worklng paper.

Baslcally, we need an adult verslon
of thls prototype,

programmed to learn and then taught
everythlng the Army can teach.
