
D.A.R.Y.L. goes to the scrap yard.

Les watch It agaIn In slow motIon.
He mak es It look easy.

Bud says It´s a matter of balance.
We don´t suggest you try It
next tIme you tak e your car out.

It´s tak en Bud 20 years
to perfect hIs skIll.

- Hi.
- HeIIo.

Les ask Bud.
We actually drove the car around
for about 1 00 laps or 1 50 mIles...

- ShaII I turn them off?
- Maybe down a IittIe.

They want to Know how you do that.
As a matter of fact, so do I.

I can read what a computer is doing.
- You can controI it?
- I guess. I´m getting better.

But peopIe? You can teII
what they´re thinKing?

Oh, I´m not teIepathic.
How do you Know what they´re feeIing?
You guess at that, because you Know
what you´re feeIing yourseIf.

I´d very much IiKe it if you wouId
Iet Andy and Joyce visit me.

- And your friend?
- TurtIe. Yes, I´d reaIIy IiKe that.

I miss them. I reaIIy do.
AII right. We´II teII them the truth.
