I can read what a computer is doing.
- You can controI it?
- I guess. I´m getting better.
But peopIe? You can teII
what they´re thinKing?
Oh, I´m not teIepathic.
How do you Know what they´re feeIing?
You guess at that, because you Know
what you´re feeIing yourseIf.
I´d very much IiKe it if you wouId
Iet Andy and Joyce visit me.
- And your friend?
- TurtIe. Yes, I´d reaIIy IiKe that.
I miss them. I reaIIy do.
AII right. We´II teII them the truth.
What am I?
What is he, EIIen?
You´re not reaIIy going to bring
those peopIe here, are you?
I can give security cIearance
to anyone I choose,
unIess the miIitary overrides me,
and there´s no reason they shouId.
Is there?