Do your thing. But report to me,
tell me what's going on.
Tell me everything you're even thinking
of doing. Let us get some busts.
It's that or I'll keep you here
till hell freezes over.
Do we understand each other?
You in?
Cross me and I'll bury you
so deep they'll never find the bones.
- You're letting me loose?
- I'm letting you loose.
- What about the gun?
- I didn't see any report of a gun. Did you?
If there was a gun, I'd have to charge you
with possessing a firearm. They're illegal.
He's free to go.
He's gotta see the public defender.
Davis, the public defender,
is arranging your release.
It's gonna take a while.
Sit out there and wait.
Kimble... Watch it,
there's a new breed on the streets.
Quiet now. I'm not here.
Is this the night's haul, Chaco?
Pretty good. Very good.
- Good, Chaco.
- Hector, are you allowed?
I'll tell you what to do and when.
We didn't think we'd see you out so soon.
Hey, man, it's good to see you!
Just been taking care of a little business.
- I can see that.
- You said I should...