Kimble... Watch it,
there's a new breed on the streets.
Quiet now. I'm not here.
Is this the night's haul, Chaco?
Pretty good. Very good.
- Good, Chaco.
- Hector, are you allowed?
I'll tell you what to do and when.
We didn't think we'd see you out so soon.
Hey, man, it's good to see you!
Just been taking care of a little business.
- I can see that.
- You said I should...
Did I?
This is a sticker, Hector.
- And you're the stickee.
- No!
Aren't you gonna welcome me back?
Mr. Kimble? Kathryn Davis,
Public Defender's Office.
- You're being released now.
- Thanks, Miss Davis.
- You're just going to walk away?
- Yup.
- You have cause to press charges. Sue.
- Miss Davis, it's all right.
- You don't wanna do anything?
- No.
- I don't understand.
- Goodbye.
- Here's my number, just in case.
- Thanks.
Is there someplace I can get hold of you?
I need something for the release form.