Uh, no,
I don't think so.
Well, would you like
to go out with me?
But you just said
you weren't doing anything.
You mean
you'd rather do nothing
than go out with me?
Jonathan, wait up!
Hey, Manolo.
You didn't wash the dishes
this morning, again.
I didn't?
We're supposed to share
housework, remember?
Jesus, Manolo,
are you my roommate
or my mother?
Hi, Manolo.
Who was that?
I don't know.
You don't know?
I almost got nailed
this morning.
By who?
Reilly's a puss.
He ambushed me
outside of Haines Hall.
I didn't even have my gun.
So what did you do?
Hid in a bush, and
he walked right by me.
You're a regular
James Bond, man.
Yeah, exceptJames Bond
had Pussy Galore.
I can't even get a date.
"Ordinarily, we don't"... "we don't"
get this type of specimen
in an undergraduate class,
but I wanted to give you
something to remember
over Spring Break.
Now, when we have
a sick cat like Tony here,
He's gotta be
in order
to do the examination.
Now, the name
of the tranquilizer
solution is...
which I understand
is very popular at your parties.
That's why we keep it
locked up here.
She told me...
she would rather sit
at home and do nothing
than go out with me.
What's wrong
with me, man?
You're too negative, man.
What's negative about,
"Will you go out
with me?"
The way you say something
is just as important
as "what" you say.
Now, this is where
the tranquilizer gun...
And darts...
come into play.
You gotta control the situation.
You can't say,
"Uh, will you go out with me?
Huh? Please?"
Like you've never
gone out in your life.