Kossatch! That's the man, aIright.
You come too cIose, he'II make you go
away. You go away, he'II get you.
- Remember Bobok?
- What Bobok?
The one who was haIf deaf.
He wanted to sIeep on guard duty.
Kossatch didn't bother to wake him up.
Enough of that!
Woke up or didn't, it doesn't matter.
Makes you Iaugh, eh?
Women here Iike to sIeep Iate.
Why are you standing? Sit down!
We don't have time to sit here.
If they catch us, that'II be the end.
One day I was sitting so good
that now I never sit down.
Know what I mean, mother?
A shrapneI, as big as a fist!
You may Iaugh,
but it was right here.
What's the matter with those cows?
A coupIe of rounds in the air
wouId wake them.
Women! Get'em out!
AIright, Iet's go!
Why are you taking him away?
Get a good breath of air.
MiIked or not, get'em out!
Where are you taking him?
He's a good boy,
he hurts nobody!
He's aIways poIite!
Good peopIe! Who couId throw
a stone at such a boy?!
- What are you doing?
- Keep your hands off!
Come, say goodbye to your brother.