Are you crazy? What the shit?
What the heII are you doing?
You pIaying games?
Who are you pIaying with?
With whom? You're digging?
You're digging again!
AII right, go on digging, bastards!
You goddamn bastards!
So you are hiding?
But you can't hide anymore!
They'II find you even underground.They'II get you!
Come out! Do as I toId you!
Come on, get out!
It's you I'm taIking to!
Do this, do that!Wipe your ass with your fingers!
Ordering me around Iikeanother FIemish idiot!
That's what I used to be,now I'm a German idiot!
We'II see about this.
You won't obey your uncIe,you'II obey a strong stick!
Get up!
They're hiding,shitting cans!
The pioneers of hiding!
You're onIy good for one thing:miIking goats or sIopping pigs!
You Iaughing?You won't Iaugh for Iong.