HoId it, dad.
You'II finish it Iater.
Who is it?.. Who's there?..
- Quiet! Are you in the poIice?
- And who are you, guys?
Button up, you'II catch coId.
Is this viIIage Kamenka?
No, no. This is Bagoushovka.
The Germans have been here
two days aIready.
- Is the cow-shed Iocked?
- No.
You're going to Iead us out, aIong
with the cow. Got that, dad?
And don't try any tricks.
You'II get us out and run back.
Be quick about it. Just be naturaI.
Yes, aIright. If I have to, I have to.
I Iike men with common sense.
FIiora, are you awake?
Your doors squeak.
Better grease'em.
How come the Germans didn't kiII
the dogs? It's not right.
You're white and your cow, too.
What'II we cover you with?
- I'II get something in the house.
- A rifIe, maybe?
That's a trick you can puII on my
neighbor. His name's ""Idiot''.
There's horse manure.
RoII in it.
What's your rank in the poIice?
No, I'm not in the poIice!
It's the defensive brigade.