That's it, FIiora. FIorian.
And yours?
Rose. Rose of the koIkhoze!
Ever hear that one?
TeII me, how did you get here?
They deported me to Germany.
But here I am!
They rescued you? Kossatch did?
I want to ask you, Rose, you were
aII dressed up over there. Why?
Where was that?
This morning, in front of the men.
I couIdn't get it, Rose, reaIIy.
My name is GIasha. GIafira.
You understand now, idiot?
- What's wrong?
- And what's wrong with you? FIiora!
Just exactIy what are you doing
What, they took pity on the IittIe
one, Ieaving you here?
Kossatch took pity on you?
Yes, pity!
They'II be Iucky if I take pity
on them!
He can pity, yes, he can.
OnIy it makes him cry in his sIeep.
Kossatch? Cries in his sIeep?
He won't Iast Iong.
I'm teIIing you that.
You're Iying! FiIthy Iiar!