Hold it.
Here come the troops, fellows.
They'll take you to the showers.
Mr. Fletcher, we've gone way past
the $10-million mark.
Before the start of the game...
there'll be a presentation
of the Robert Delmann Award...
to Joe Ranieri,
the best quarterback of the year.
And here comes Joe now.
Let's hear that applause.
Who the hell is that?
Ranieri's there.
-Where did those guys screw it up?
-Something must've gone wrong, boss.
Something? You mental retard, we're ruined.
Something upsetting you, Mr. Fletcher?
Who the hell are you guys,
and what do you want?
-We want to talk to you.
-The rest stay here and enjoy the game.
It looks like Washington just scored.
That's bad news. Right, Mr. Fletcher?
What did Garret want from you?
Who's Garret? Who are you guys anyway?
I want my attorney.
Come on, you jackass, start thinking.
Get over there!
What are you doing?
I don't even know the guy!
We have proof that you did.
-I didn't know--
-You didn't know what?
What's the difference?
I'm not a stool pigeon. You guys are--
We can arrest you for illegal betting
and kidnapping.
They'll lock you up and throw away the key.
What if I talk?